
指令al Services is committed to involving parents, 学校工作人员, and the community as active partners in planning, 交付, and evaluating our services by working closely with universities, 大学, 企业, government and civic organizations.

指令al Services promotes all aspects of the educational process through our development and support of technology. We provide 培训 in the use of essential technology tools that enhance curricular, instructional and administrative services in our schools.

We anticipate needs and opportunities, all with the single purpose of identifying, developing and implementing programs and practices that, 通过教育, improve the opportunities for students and staff of uedbet官网ISD.

Curriculum, Professional Development and 学校改进

Additional 资源

指令al Services Administrators

导演 of 教学 & 学习
Assistant 负责人 of Student Services


uedbet官网ISD will be the community's first choice for educational services so that every student in every classroom achieves every day.


uedbet官网ISD serves our customers by providing value-added services through collaboration and leadership for learning.

  • Customer Satisfaction -Build relationships. 把客户放在第一位.
  • Continuous Improvement - Commit yourself to constant improvement. 永不放弃.
  • 问责制 - Make decisions that will last longer than you will. 荣誉的承诺. 产生影响.
  • 社区 Partnerships - We care about our communities. We value diversity in people and ideas.
  • 协作 - Do great things together. Create vision, inspire others and advance priorities and mission fo the organization.